Monday, June 30, 2014

what will inevitabley happen to all gmail users

my point is: if you look at the fine print in gmail eventually it will start charging you $ to use the service, and after 8-9n years of use I am at 50% of my allowed GB space which is being gobbled up at an exponential rate because of all the multimeia we send each other now - SO either I start deleting everything now and make a habit of it OR I become a slave to the google mail pay scheme in just a few years time... I have been using gmail for how many years now? since I was first available - I think 2005? the tagline at the time read something like "never have to delete another message ever." ok, - unnecessary, perhaps, but fine - sure. FAST FORWARD to the present and we all have MBs zipping in and out of our phones - NOT the case back in 2005 when the smartphone / data plan was yet-to-come and definitley before everyone and their dog was all over the internet on their mobile devices all the time. here is the gmail pricing plan: Google Drive storage plans Choose from the following monthly Google Drive storage plans to be shared between Google Drive, Gmail, and Google+ Photos. Storage Monthly Rate 100 GB $1.99 1 TB $9.99 10 TB $99.99 20 TB $199.99 30 TB $299.99 Learn more about managing your Google Drive storage plan. Taxes and fees Prices listed above don't include any applicable taxes or fees associated with your country of residence. You may be charged taxes or fees in addition to the prices listed above. Ready to buy? First, find out how refunds and renewals work.
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